Student Life
Sports and cultural life
There is no time to be bored with us! Do not hide your talent and let’s enjoy it together.
- We create sports and cultural teams with you; (Sports, music, art, etc.)
- We organize Graduation, Welcome, and New Year parties with the participation of the university cultural teams; As well as excursions, various national and thematic events, and charitable and social responsibility projects;
- We care about creating an interesting and diverse student environment.
The following sports, cultural, cognitive, and intellectual teams operate at European University:
- EU Girls Volleyball Team;
Photography Club - aims to create a space for self-expression and development for students interested in photography, and for international students the opportunity to get acquainted with the sights of Georgia together with the Photography Club;
Students' theater club - aims to raise awareness about theater, stage interesting plays, and foster a love for the art among students;
Art Club - promotes the creative development of students, helping them discover interests and share knowledge in the field of art. Students will have the opportunity to explore art culture and the creation of artistic products;
Basketball club - encourages a healthy lifestyle and sports for European University students;
Tennis beasts - aims to share the knowledge and skills of table tennis with all European University students and organizes championships;
Hiking Club - focuses on cognitive activities, exploring the territories of Georgia, and promoting a healthy lifestyle among students;
Arm wrestling - allows students interested in arm wrestling to study and practice the sport under appropriate conditions and compete in domestic and Georgia-wide championships;
CyberSport - familiarizes students with the 21st-century challenge of the cyber world as a sport;
Cinephile Circle - a club for film lovers, dedicated to showing, discussing, and preparing blogs about various film genres for interested students;
EU Dance Club - aims for students to share their country's choreographic culture and experiences in the multicultural environment of the European University;
Anime Club - unites anime lovers in the university space for discussions, debates, and the introduction of current anime to interested students;
Chess Club - facilitates preparations for chess tournaments, encourages participation in championships, and shares knowledge and practice with all students interested in chess;
Weightlifting Club - aims to promote a healthy lifestyle for students;
Cricket Club - The goal of the Cricket Club is to encourage sports life among students and to raise awareness about cricket as a sport by sharing knowledge and game techniques;
EU Fishing Club - European University is the first where the Fisheries Club was established. The Fishermen's Club is poaching and engaged only in legal fishing.